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  Ø   Management Functions: Focus Areas, Policy, Objectives, Targets, Legal and other Requirements, Internal Audit, Management Review, Customer Feedback / Complaints, Hazards Identification & Risk Analysis, Management Programmes, Operational Control, Emergency Preparedness, etc.   Ø   Action Plan :   While preparing the action plan – prioritize the actions set and put it in serial with target dates and responsibility.   Action plan means you have to do something else other than what you are doing regularly.   Whenever any department/section fails in achieving their targets – analyze the same as to why they have not achieved the set targets.   Action(s) taken are not yielding the expected results?   Means – whatever action you have taken is not ‘ Result Oriented ’.   In such case you have to try with something else.   Whatever action proposed must make the “ Unacceptable ’ to become “ Acceptable ”.     Ø   Objective Fulfillment (Planned V/s. Actual ):   of each departm

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