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  Ø   Management Functions: Focus Areas, Policy, Objectives, Targets, Legal and other Requirements, Internal Audit, Management Review, Customer Feedback / Complaints, Hazards Identification & Risk Analysis, Management Programmes, Operational Control, Emergency Preparedness, etc.   Ø   Action Plan :   While preparing the action plan – prioritize the actions set and put it in serial with target dates and responsibility.   Action plan means you have to do something else other than what you are doing regularly.   Whenever any department/section fails in achieving their targets – analyze the same as to why they have not achieved the set targets.   Action(s) taken are not yielding the expected results?   Means – whatever action you have taken is not ‘ Result Oriented ’.   In such case you have to try with something else.   Whatever action proposed must make the “ Unacceptable ’ to become “ Acceptable ”.     Ø   Objective Fulfillment (Planned V/s. Actual ):   of each departm

Tough times - Tough Actions - The Covid 19 aftereffect and measures thereof



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Dear All,

Subject : Tough times - Tough Actions - The Covid 19 aftereffect and measures thereof

These are tough times for the world in general and India in particular. The Covid19 that forced our country into a lock down, has been very challenging for the people, including each one of our valued employees. It has also been extremely tough on the company, with a sharp decline in sales, disruption in production and the consequences of these are a very tight financial position for the company.

The management has reviewed the situation and has decided that in the long term interest of the business, some key measures are to be taken. The decisions have factored in the reality, that though we have a very committed and efficient work force, but despite their best efforts, going forward the business will take a long time to recover and come back to its pre-Covid 19 turnover and profitability.

The management has therefore taken the following decisions:

1. The company shall not retrench any employee, as we value each one of them as the most important resource of the company.
2. This year the company shall not declare any increments across the board. The management hopes this will not only help us retain the work force but also help in streamlining its tight financial position.

We are sure that you will understand that this decision was not an easy one. You will also appreciate that under the circumstances, this is in the overall interest of the company and all the stakeholders. With your support and cooperation, the company is looking forward to putting behind the Covid 19 and reviving the business and hopefully make a faster recovery, than most others.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Dheeraj Chaubey

HR Professional

