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  Ø   Management Functions: Focus Areas, Policy, Objectives, Targets, Legal and other Requirements, Internal Audit, Management Review, Customer Feedback / Complaints, Hazards Identification & Risk Analysis, Management Programmes, Operational Control, Emergency Preparedness, etc.   Ø   Action Plan :   While preparing the action plan – prioritize the actions set and put it in serial with target dates and responsibility.   Action plan means you have to do something else other than what you are doing regularly.   Whenever any department/section fails in achieving their targets – analyze the same as to why they have not achieved the set targets.   Action(s) taken are not yielding the expected results?   Means – whatever action you have taken is not ‘ Result Oriented ’.   In such case you have to try with something else.   Whatever action proposed must make the “ Unacceptable ’ to become “ Acceptable ”.     Ø   Objective Fulfillment (Planned V/s. Actual ):   of each departm

Questionnaire: Study of Performance Management

Aman HR Consultancy Services

What are the basic components of performance management systems ...

Study of Performance Management Practices: 



Name of the Organisation:

Main Product lines:

Interviewee:                                                                       Designation:

Place:                                                                                      Date:

The brief details of the company are as under:

Engage – encompasses Strategic partnerships with reputed educational institutions to offer specialized work study programs of varied duration on sales, retail and service management

Enable – This vertical is responsible for managing e-learning and open learning programs for industry and campuses and managing “Customer Confidence Centre”

Empower – This vertical offers customized training programs for industry verticals to enhance Sales & service capabilities.

Excite – This vertical will work towards evaluation and recognition of excellence among practicing sales professions through awards, events and conferences


This survey is being carried out to identify the best practices in the Industry for handling & enhancing performance of the Sales Force.


The results & findings of this survey will be shared with all the participants




Instructions for the survey

1.        Please bold the option to be selected

2.        Please furnish details wherever necessary

3.        Kindly attach annexure wherever possible

We highly appreciate your Cooperation



 A – Recruitment

  1. Size of your Consultancy Team (Pan India)

a.       Primary

b.       Secondary (i.e. DSA sales people, dealers sales force, etc)

2.       Channels of recruitment used for sourcing Consultancy Services, what is the %of incumbents recruited by these channels?

a.       Newspaper Ads                  _________%     

b.       Portals                                    _________%

c.       Consultants                          _________%

d.       Employee referrals            _________%

e.       Campus                                  _________%

f.        Others, if any___________________                        _________%

g.       Can’t say               

3.       What is the process of recruitment for Consultancy Services? (Kindly provide recruitment form, copy of appointment letter, if possible)

a.       Includes aptitude test

                                                         i.      Yes                            

                                                       ii.       No                            

                                                     iii.      Sometimes(please specify)___________________________

b.       GD

                                                         i.      Yes                            

                                                       ii.      No                             

                                                     iii.      Sometimes (please specify)______________________________

c.       Interviews

                                                         i.      Yes, _____________(no.) rounds of interviews

                                                       ii.      No                                             

                                                     iii.       Sometimes (please specify)__________________________

d.       Psychological tests

                                                         i.      Yes (kindly specify)_________________________(eg, Thomas profiling, 16 PF, etc)

                                                       ii.      No

                                                     iii.      Sometimes (Kindly Specify)____________________________

4.       What is the entry level designation for a frontline sales person in your organisation?


5.       What is the average number of Consultancy Services recruited per year

a.       Primary

b.       Secondary

6.       What is the overall attrition rate of Consultancy Services in your industry?


7.       What is the attrition rate of the Consultancy Services in your organisation?



8.       What is the average minimum duration an employee is at the frontline sales level before he is promoted/makes a lateral movement?

a.       Min 1-2yrs

b.       Min 2-3 yrs

c.       More than 3 yrs (Kindly specify)________________

9.       Are the recruitment policies defined for the secondary Consultancy Services by the organisation?

a.       Yes                                          

b.       No                                           

c.       Sometimes(Kindly specify)

B - Induction

10.   The duration of Induction training is

a.       1-2 days

b.       3-5 days

c.       5-7 days

d.       More than 7 days

11.   Induction training conducted by

a.       Internal trainers only

b.       External trainers only

c.       Both internal & external trainer; Man days of training by internal trainers____________; Man days of training by external trainers____________

d.       No policy

12.   How frequently is the induction program for Consultancy Services redesigned/ revamped?

a.       Less than 1 yr

b.       Every 1-2year

c.       Every 3 yrs

d.       After more than 3 years

e.       No policy

13.   How many man days of the induction training is behavioural & how many is  skill based or technical?

a.       Man days of Behavioural training_____________

b.       Man days of Skill based training______________

C –Coaching & Mentoring

14.   Do you provide coaching for your Consultancy Services?

a.       Yes

                                                         i.      Individual , one to one coaching

                                                       ii.      Group coaching

b.       Need based (Kindly specify) _________________________

c.       No

15.   Do you have the concept of a line coach for the Consultancy Services in your organisation?

a.       Yes

b.       No

16.   How is the employee productivity of the Consultancy Services monitored?

a.       Having a pre & post assessment session between the coach & employee, & gauging the improvement in performance.

b.       Any other method (Kindly specify)

c.       No structured assessment

D - Ongoing performance monitoring

17.   Are the Job descriptions & KRAs clearly defined for the Consultancy Services?

a.       Yes                                           b. Not clearly defined

18.   Is the frontline sales employee given a regular feedback on his current performance? If yes, how often?

a.       Yes, every_______________                       

b.       No structured feedback

19.   Is there is a structured method for giving ongoing feedback? If yes, how is it done?

a.       Regular observation of his activities

b.       Regular meetings with supervisor

c.       Other methods (Kindly specify)____________

d.       No structured method

E – End of year appraisals (Kindly provide appraisal form, if possible)

20.   What is the process of performance appraisal used in the organisation?

a.       Interview Method

b.       MBO

c.       360 degree appraisal

d.       Other (kindly specify)______________


21.   Who all are involved in appraising a Consultancy Services?

a.       The manager only

b.       The superior & the manager

c.       The employee, the superior, the manager

d.       Others

22.   What is the frequency of PA for Consultancy Services in a year?

a.       Once                                                       b. Twice                                               c. Every Quarter

23.   What is the objective of PA?

a.       Promotions

b.       Increments

c.       Incentivizing performance

d.       Talent identification

e.       More (Kindly specify)____________________

24.   Is the Consultancy Services counseled after the PA? Is counseling provided to only poor performers or both good & poor performers too?

a.       Yes; post PA counseling only for high performers

b.       Yes; post PA counseling for only poor performers

c.       Yes; post PA counseling for both good & poor performers

d.       No structured post PA counseling done

**Are the secondary sales force included for the end of year appraisals?

F – Training needs

25.   How are the training needs assessed?

a.       Performance Appraisals

b.       Supervisor’s inputs

c.       Organisational plans

d.       All or combination of the above/ others (Kindly specify)

26.   How many minimum man-days of Consultancy Services is devoted for training/employee/year? (excluding induction)

a.       Minimum 3 days/year

b.       Minimum 7 days/ year

c.       Minimum 15 days/ year

d.       More (kindly specify)______________

27.   Is the training conducted by in house trainers or outsourced? (tie ups with training Cos?)

a.       Only in house

b.       Only outsourced


c.       Both;  Man days/man hours  of training by in house trainers______________;

Man days/ Man hours of training by outsourced trainers_____________

d.       No policy

28.   Number of in house trainers present__________________

29.   Are your in house trainers certified? (Kindly mention Certification)


30.   What are the skill sets for which training is imparted? Select all which are relevant.

a.       Technical________________________________

                                                         i.      Product

                                                       ii.      Service

                                                     iii.      Others (kindly specify)___________________

b.       Behavioural___________________________

                                                         i.      Team work

                                                       ii.      Motivation

                                                     iii.      Communication

                                                     iv.      Negotiation

                                                       v.      Others (kindly specify)______________________

31.   What are the methods used for training Consultancy Services? Please select all which are relevant.

a.       On the job

b.       Classroom

c.       E-learning

d.       Videos

e.       Virtual

f.        More/others (kindly specify)____________________

32.   Do you have a training calendar? When is the training calendar prepared for the year?

a.       October – December

b.       December – January

c.       February – March

d.       Others (Kindly specify)_________

33.   What are your peak training months?

a.       Month__________________

b.       ____________to ________________months

c.       Happens year round, No specific peaks

34.   What is the budget allocated for training/year? (% of total expenditure/year)


**Are the Secondary Consultancy Services included for the in house training programs?

G – Compensation, Rewards & recognition (Kindly provide reward policy, if possible)

  1. What is the entry level compensation received by a Consultancy Services person in your organization?

a.       Up to 1.5 lacs pa

b.       1.5 to 3.00 lacs pa

c.       More than 3.00 lacs pa

36.   What is the compensation structure followed for the Consultancy Services?

_______________% of fixed; _____________ % of variables

37.   What are the kinds of incentives given to star performers at the frontline sales level?

a.       Monetary

b.       In Kind

c.       Others, like holiday packages, club memberships, etc (kindly specify)_____________________

38.   What are the criteria for awarding recognition for the frontline sales level?

a.       Performance Appraisal based

b.       Tenure

c.       Consistent performance for ________months

d.       Other (Kindly Specify)

39.   What are the forms of recognition given to Consultancy Services?

a.       Awards

b.       Certificate

c.       Training/participation in certain programs

d.       Appreciation letter

e.       Programs like “Employee of the month”

f.        All/ Combination/Others (Kindly specify) _______________________

40.   Do you have a special event in a year for announcing performance rewards for the Consultancy Services?

a.       Yes; there is a special event for recognizing performance of the Consultancy Services

b.       The foundation day/ the annual celebration day

c.       No special event

41.   What is the budget for the event?


42.   If yes, is the event conducted on company premises/outbound?

a.       On company premises

b.       Outbound, for ___________days


43.   Does the event also include any outbound training sessions?

a.       Yes, for _____________days

b.       No training is conducted

44.   What is the overall budget allocation for rewards & recognition in your organisation? (% of total expenditure)


45.   Is your organisation a member of any Sales forum?

a.       Yes (Kindly specify)

b.       No

Dheeraj Chaubey

HR Professional 
